Summer Solo Stories


Back in May, we asked our social media followers to tell us their stories from their first solos. We sent each participant a free Flight Outfitters t-shirt to replace the one cut off their back. We’ve had some awesome entries.  You can read them below:

Daniel Wickert - spring/summer solo story

Daniel Wickert

Solo Aircraft: Cessna 172R

Where did your solo take place? (Airport identifier and city/state)
KRGA, Richmond Kentucky.

Daniel’s Story
I’ve wanted to learn how to fly since I was little, but since it is quite expensive I did not pursue it earlier. Now being 25 and a veteran I decided to pursue a degree at Eastern Kentucky University using my G.I. Bill and begin my flying career there. I was a paratrooper in the Army so soloing didn’t really make me nervous, I had a great flight instructor and knew I was more than ready. I was excited and knew that it was the day, couldn’t have had better weather to fly. There is no better feeling than taking off and landing by yourself for the first time. I honestly didn’t want my solo to end, I would’ve kept flying if I could have. I can definitely say I have got the flying bug.

Solo Aircraft: Cessna 172

Where did your solo take place? (Airport identifier and city/state) YBUN

Carlos’ Story
After moving from Spain to Australia to learn English and chasing my dream for almost 20 years , I finally made the decision to get my Pilots license during my weeks off work so I could pay for it , and finally with 16 hours of flying , on the 24th at 4pm my instructor finally asked me if I wanted to go solo, I was definitely prepared for it and after landing the small Cessna all that feeling came through my head becoming into a really emotional moment in that small plane. Finally , I did it !

Carli Meis - spring/summer solo story

Carli Meis

Solo Aircraft: Cessna 172

Where did your solo take place? (Airport identifier and city/state)  33N Dover, DE

Carli’s Story
The perfect 3 hour window of time between weeks of wet and windy East coast weather provided just enough time for my instructor to say “see ya” and kick me out of the nest. As a student who struggles with nerves when it’s bumpy, I was certain today wasn’t the day—he had other plans and knew I could handle it. I, on the other hand, wasn’t sure about that until after the first landing. I was incredibly nervous but as soon as I lifted off the runway on the first takeoff, all was right in the world again. After my 3 landings, it was permanent smiles and that feeling of “now I’m a pilot. I really can do this.” A very proud and eager CFI with a pair of scissors is a dangerous combination for any shirt out there, and mine was not safe. Love the tradition and happy to be a part of it. Onwards and upwards from here!
Tyler Bell

Solo Aircraft: Cirrus SR-20

Where did your solo take place? (Airport identifier and city/state)  Eagle Creek Airpark

Tyler’s Story
I completed my first solo flight at the age of 36 after I decided I was miserable in my last career and needed to make a change. I decided to go back to school to be a commercial pilot. On the day of my first solo I felt nervous but in a good way, I was ready to prove to myself that I don’t need anyone in the cockpit with me. It was truly an amazing experience and I am so proud that I got it done with only 17 hours flight time.
Dwight Pomedli - spring/summer solo
Dwight Pomedli

Solo Aircraft: Cessna 172

Where did your solo take place? (Airport identifier and city/state) CJU4 Humboldt Saskatchewan Canada

Dwight’s Story
An experience of a lifetime as I am 48 years old and want to get my license before I turn 50. I was pretty nervous but confident I could go solo without and difficulty. There was allot of turbulence on final approach wish made it a bit scary but I talked myself through my landing and it was pretty smooth.
Natalie McFarland

Solo Aircraft: Cessna Skyhawk C172

Where did your solo take place? (Airport identifier and city/state) Creswell Hobby Field 77S

Natalie’s Story
I come from a multi-generational family of pilots. I had started my pilot journey in high school but never finished it. Now in my 30s, I am finally finishing my private pilots license. Larry Church at About Time Aviation in Creswell, OR is such a great instructor and really made sure I was really well prepared for solo. It ment a lot to me to solo as it comes with a long family history that made the experience even more emotional. My husband was even able to be there to watch me solo for the first time!
Jonathan Cruz - spring/summer solo
Jonathan Cruz

Solo Aircraft: Piper PA28-140

Where did your solo take place? (Airport identifier and city/state) KAIK, AIKEN SC

Jonathan’s Story
Felt a little nervous when I heard the question, “How do you feel?” coming from my CFI before I decided to solo, but it wasn’t all that bad! In the end, i came out doing a good job. I’m proud of myself for soloing at 14 hours. I’m at 31 hrs now! I love the flight bag from Flight Outfitters, definitely worth it.
Carlos Salvador

Solo Aircraft: Diamond DA40NG

Where did your solo take place? (Airport identifier and city/state)  KFKR
Carlos’ Story
It was absolutely WICKED!!! Gosh, I’ve been pursuing aviation for well over 12 years. Joined the Corps and served for 6 years, worked for Apple, went to College, graduated and had a 9-5 job….but something was missing.
After being laid of twice in 2022, I knew that there HAD to be something better in life than tech sales. One night I said “YOLO”, applied to my local flight school and scheduled an interview for the following week. I was absolutely terrified and excited to hear that I got in and that I was able to secure financing for my studies.
Going from that, to my first solo was such a surreal moment. I literally jumped and hugged my instructor when I landed and for the first time ever, I feel like a pilot!
Took off from Runway 27, the climb went well but you could tell that I was a wee bit nervous on comms. Landed the first time and felt ecstatic!! Taxied back to my runway and did two more times, making my last landing feel like butter on some hawt toast!
I am a first gen, hispanic pilot. The first in my family to pursue a dream like aviation, and hope to one day set aside money and start a scholarship for the unconventional student like me. A scholarship for those who take the uncharted path and trek forward with nothing but strong will and determination. This one is for you all!! Also, on my first solo flight, the 4th was with me!!
Kristofer Portaje - spring/summer solo
Kristofer Go Portaje

Solo Aircraft: Cessna 152

Where did your solo take place? (Airport identifier and city/state)
Omni Aviation Corporation,OMNI Aviation Complex, Manuel A. Roxas Hwy, Clark Freeport, Mabalacat, 2011 Pampanga
Kristofer’s Story
It was the most unforgettable experience that i wouldn’t forget in my entire life. When i was a kid my curiosity about airplanes started when i first stepped inside the aircraft. there are alot of questions in my head which brought me to pursue an Aviation Maintenance degree before taking up my flying course. Flying an airplane is more than a passion for me but it’s also part of me my life the way how i fell inloved with the airplanes it’s more like a science like it evolves each and everytime and it never stops. Being a pilot is not easy but the way how it feels like getting inside the aircraft each and everytime is something that excites you in a different way. Having my first solo last february 5 2023 is one of the most unforgetable moment and experience of my entire life working hard for my wings is something that i wont forget. the pressures up there all the roaring sounds of my flight instructor the laughs that we had during my pre solo flights are one of the best and very unforgetable experience. Having this kind of opportunity to fly is more than being grateful and thankful also such a wonderful experience. all i can say to all people is that never stop dreaming and never stop believing in yourself that you can do the most impossible things.
Kristofer Portaje - spring/summer solo
Tim Mooney

Solo Aircraft: 1975 Cessna 172M

Where did your solo take place? (Airport identifier and city/state)  KJCA
Tim’s Story
My wife gave the gift of lessons last year and it took some time to build momentum. I found an incredible CFI who has challenged me, taught me and laughed with me….fly the plane!!
That day was like many others. I had stopped getting my hopes up and just committed to becoming better with each lesson.l In fact my instructor was on the phone before we left and told the caller, “oh yeah…I’m here with Tim. No, he’s close but it won’t be today”. After 8 TnGs he says, how many times have I touched the controls? How many times have I said anything? 0+O. He’s says, pull over. The solo was surreal….we’d practiced it so much that it was smooth and fun!
I’ve wanted fly since I stared out my fourth grade classroom window at the airport across the street. I’ve done it and my PPL is closer than ever!!
Erin Walling - spring/summer solo
Erin Walling

Solo Aircraft: Piper Cub

Where did your solo take place? (Airport identifier and city/state)  40I

Erin’s Story
I knew it would probably happen soon but I wasn’t sure if it would happen that day. I spent the morning chair flying in my office and was ready. By the time I took off I wasn’t really nervous but ready to go. It was like an out of body experience seeing the stick moving around in the front seat and knowing I was the one doing it. It was one of the proudest moments I have had in my adult life and I am grateful for the opportunity.
Erin Walling - spring/summer solo
James Fuller

Solo Aircraft: Cessna 172

Where did your solo take place? (Airport identifier and city/state)  KTHA (Tullahoma, TN)

James’ Story
WOW!!!! Ok. So today was THE day! For the last 3 months I have been taking flying lessons. For those that are curious, the FAA requires you have a minimum of 40 hours of flight training and the national average is around 65 hours before a pilot will take a check ride and official receive a private pilot certificate. I was 14.3 hours completed going into todays flight. I knew we were getting close, but the solo flight is always shrouded in mystery of when and how. My instructor and I flew a normal lesson like we always do, today practicing an abort on take off and then flying several patterns. On one of the downwind legs of the pattern, my instructor said he needed to go to the terminal for something and that this next landing would be a full stop. When we arrived at the terminal, he informed me that he was releasing me to solo fly and that I would do 3 take offs and 3 full stop landings. He had already informed Mandy that I might possible solo today, so she was en route the whole time. He got out of the cockpit and it got really quiet. I said a prayer and asked for safety and proceeded to the taxiway for run up and take off. I successfully flew 3 take offs and 3 landings with a stellar 3rd landing. Videos below. There’s still a lot to learn. A lot. But today was a HUGE milestone. Wow! I’m still in shock that I flew a plane by myself. Thankful for safety and an instructor that has poured into me and encouraged me. There’s so much more circling in my head right now about this journey and experience, but I gotta stop.
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